Baton Rouge Intermodal Transit System Diagramb

For these diagrams I broke the program up into five main categories: Transportation, Parking, Emloyment, Retail, and Entertainment.  In the first diagram I placed each piece of program within larger bubbles of these categories and used arrows to show spatial relations and interactions.  The size of the bubble indicates the amount of time someone may remain in the space, and the colors indicate times of day in which these spaces are most busy (yellow:morning, green:night, and blue:all day).  For the second set of diagrams I simplified the original by grouping together pieces of program into clusters, and using two separate diagrams to compare conditions in the morning and night.  The size of the bubble is determined by the spaces importance and the lines show movement trends at that specific time of day.

In this diagram I am trying to show the connections of ideas of the program to a main or central idea. The words that connect the ideas to the central idea show the types of things that are happening. The density of the words shows how much the idea is being used throughout the day.

My first diagram illustrated the idea that people are the nutrients to the overall transit system. The people are directed by the transit medium and fed into a larger gathering area. This area then splits off into smaller subgroups of program. In my second diagram i tried to make this information more clear. I did this by dividing where the people were coming from, and what type of transportation medium they would take. People are fed into the transit area and interaction points within the system are created. In the third diagram, I tried to map out more precise locations of where people are coming from. A concentration of people come from certain areas around Baton Rouge. One of these being people around the LSU area.

Baton Rouge Intermodal Transit System Diagram

This diagram shows the amount of people in the specific part of the program at each hour of the day. For example, during the hours of 6-7:30, the restaurant would have roughly 200 people consistently throughout that time period. By comparing the three groupings of program (transit, commercial, and community), you can see that the bussing system goes through two peaks (morning and late afternoon), the community program is busier during the day, and the commercial areas are busier towards the evening.

The key factor that is meant to be shown in this diagram is the dynamism of the different activities and how they affect each other.  As can be seen most of the time the activities are pushed out to a point where they almost do not exist, when a main event is occuring.  For example the park is hardly in use when people are at work, compared to the more people who use the park when not at work.  Also the park is seen to be growing when “events” are taking place.  This is because people flow towards the events that are occuring in the park (i.e. Concerts)

I am fascinated by our need for privacy and relatively speaking, private spaces, e.g., bedrooms, are typically limited in its exposure to its surroundings, while public spaces, e.g., living rooms, are usually greatly exposed to the world. My aim is to reverse those conceptions as one travels through my house. I organized the spaces so that as one travels through the house, there is a shift from public spaces to more private spaces. Using wood, for wood light frame construction, and glass; I attempted to create spaces that revealed more and more light (through windows), thus exposing the spaces to the outside. Even the partitions between spaces do not fully disconnect the other spaces from each other and this helps with the exposures, but the usage of partitions also cuts down on material costs. Another big factor in my design was the house’s exposure to the sun. the hottest part of the day occurs around mid afternoon from the southwestern direction, which became where i fortified the house with a larger area for an overhang and less windows. The leaning of the house towards the southwestern direction can also help with sun exposure to the roof, if one were to install solar panels.

Revisions to be done for portfolio:

-add materials in section cuts

-rearrange and reorganize drawings to provide a better narrative throughout board

During the charrette, we decided to stick with the concept of the gateway to Baton Rouge, but instead of becoming a literal gateway into the city, our idea was to create a cultural, political, and economic gateway into the city.  The parking and movement of vehicles is moved to the interior of form, while the rest of program would be wrapped around in layers of form and trees.  The reason for the concept is so that when one enters Baton Rouge on the bus system, they are immediately interested in the city because they are surrounded by shops, food, public buildings, and vegetation.